Hutton Cranswick Community Primary School

The Friends of Hutton Cranswick CP School



Registered Charity No. 1141643


Welcome to the 'Friends of the School' section         


Who are the Friends of the School?

You may not know this but as a parent at Hutton Cranswick School you are automatically a member of the Friends of the School group. Your Committee of consists of a blend of parents, staff and volunteers who give time, passion and commitment to raise money to help improve the experiences of every child.

We tend to meet monthly and our AGM takes place in the Autumn.

The Friends of the School is about much more than simply fundraising; it also exists to provide social activities for the children and families and to promote closer links between school and our community.


What do the Friends of the School do?

We regularly organise school discos and secret shops (where the children can come and choose their own gift for just £2.00) for Mother’s day, Father’s day & Christmas. We also arrange the school’s family and community friendly events such as Bingo evenings, the Summer Fair, Village Wide Car Boot Sale, Christmas Grotto, and many more fundraising events throughout the year.

We always want to hear new ideas for events we could run or ways we could fundraise.

We are fortunate to have a Friends of the School that is now an integral part of the school community. In its time the Friends has raised thousands of pounds, which has been spent on equipment, trips, visits and resources to enhance our children’s educational experiences and the school’s facilities.


Your committee officers are:

Danielle Rice (Chair)

Amy Thompson (Vice-Chair)

Kirsty Evans (Treasurer)

Julie Clarke (Secretary)


We would love to have more members on the committee and always need helpers for the events. Interested? Talk to any one of us at the school gates or email huttoncranswickfriends@gmail.com and we’ll be in touch.